奇彥企業有限公司成立於1980年,是一家專業製 造及經銷各式被動元件的績優進出口商,產品包括各式鋁質電解電容器,基層電容器,晶片電容器,陶瓷電容器,坦質電容,晶片電感,可覆式保險絲,發光二極體等產品。各式產品規格齊全,庫存充足,供應國內外電子廠商及批發商,信譽良好。
本公司以自創的品牌HITANO行銷海內外,30 年來已建立了良好的口碑,業務蒸蒸日上市場擴及全球五大洲,數十個國家。公司經營管理已全面電腦化,生產採用最新的自動化生產設備,成品均按國際標準規格製造,品質嚴謹,產品優良。並且於1997年6月通過ISO- 9002的國際品質認證,對國內外客戶提供更具保障的服務。

The Company
公司成立於 | November,1980 |
營業額 | NT$50,000,000.00 |
辦公地點與倉庫 | 新北市 新北產業園區 五權一路3號7樓之7 |
連絡電話 | 886-2-22991331(代表號) |
傳真號碼 | 886-2-22982466 & 22982969 |
工廠 | 中國 東莞 |
主要產品 | 電解電容 陶瓷電容 晶片電容 突波吸收器 |
商標 | HITANO |
產能 | 1,000,000,000 PCS PER MONTH |
品質標章 | ISO-9001 2008 |
E-MAIL ADD. | info@hitano.com.tw |
HTTP | https://www.hitano.com.tw http://hitano.manufacturer.globalsources.com |
Establish the “quality first” mentality, Maintain stable product quality, Upgrade customer service quality, Achieve the goal of customer satisfaction
The company must has fine quality products then can continue and grow for long lasting business. This is an attitude and responsibility that each employee must assume, this is also the goal that we have to achieve.
Quality management should start from the institution of strict requirements during finish product purchasing to the meticulous execution of outgoing product QA. The accomplishment of which shall naturally bring performance into the fine quality level.
Good quality can reduce losses and unnecessary troubles, allowing product shipment to go smoothly. Achieving customer approval means achieving sales growth. Quality management includes product quality, service quality and the quality of performance of each employee.
Quality policies should be followed out by each person, from the person-in-charge to the chief of each department, in fact, each employee should see to their thorough execution.