Aluminum Electrolytic Capacitor

Series Features Temperature Voltage(V.DC) Capacitance(uF) Load Life(Hrs) PDF
Conductive Polymer Aluminum Solid Capacitor
EVS V Chip General Purpose -55~+105 2.5~100 10~1500 2,000
ELS V Chip Load life 10,000 Hours -55~+105 2.5~100 10~1500 10,000
ERS Radial General Purpose -55~+105 2.5~100 10~3300 2,000
ERT Radial Wide Temp. 125℃ -55~+125 2.5~100 10~3300 2,000
ERL Radial Load life 10,000 Hours -55~+105 2.5~100 10~3300 10,000
Hybrid Conductive Polymer Capacitors
EMSS V Chip Life 5,000 Hours -55~+105 16~100 10~1000 5,000
EHSD Radial Life 5,000 Hours -55~+105 16~100 10~2200 5,000
V-chip Series
ELV General Purpose -40~+85 6.3~450 1~10000 2000
EHV Wide Temp. -40~+105 6.3~450 1~6800 2000
ENV Non Polar -40~+85 6.3~50 1~470 2000
EMV Long Life -40~+105 6.3~100 1~1000 3000~5000
EKV Low Leakage -40~+85 6.3~50 0.1~330 2000
EZV Low Impedance -55~+105 6.3~100 1~6800 2000~5000
ETV High Temperature -40~+125 10~35 33~1000 2000~3000
EVV Long Life High Voltage -40~+105 400 2.2~10 5000
General Purpose Radial
ECR General Purpose -40~+85 6.3~450 0.47~10000 2000
EHR Wide Temp. -40~+105 6.3~450 0.47~10000 2000
ENR Non Polar -40~+105 10~100 0.47~3300 2000
E5R Ultra Miniature -40~+105 4~50 0.1~220 1000
EMR Super Miniature -40~+105 4~63 0.47~470 1000
EKH Long Life -40~+105 10~450 6.8~3300 5000~10,000
EFK Long Life High Voltage -40~+105 160~450 1~330 6000~8000
EFH High Ripple Current -40~+105 6.3~100 22~4700 4000~10000
EFL Long Life High Voltage -40~+105 160~450 1~330 8000~10,000
ELA High Temperature -40~+130 10~100 1~4700 2000
EGA High Temperature -40~+130 160~450 1~220 3000
EGB High Temperature -40~+130 160~450 1~220 4000
Low Leakage Series
ELR General Purpose -40~+105 6.3~63 0.47~1000 2000
EMRL Miniature -40~+105 6.3~63 0.47~100 1000
Low Impedance Series
EXR General Purpose -40~+105 6.3~450 1~15000 2000~5000
ESX Low Impedance -55~+105 6.3~100 1~10000 2000~5000
ESG High Voltage Low Impedance -40~+105 160~500 4.7~330 5000
Snap In Series
ELP General Purpose -40~+85 10~450 47~68000 2000
ELU General Purpose -40~+85 16~450 47~82000 3000
EHP Wide Temp. -40~+105 10~450 47~68000 2000
EHU Wide Temp. -40~+105 16~450 47~68000 3000
EHL Low Impedance -40~+105 10~500 47~47000 5000
EUK Long Life High Voltage -40~+105 200~450 68~2200 8000
ESL Slim -25~+105 250~450 12~120 10,000
ELY Slim -25~+105 250~450 12~150 5,000
The products are limited to commercial use and prohibited from use for military purposes. If any relevant products or files are used for military purposes, we will not assume any responsibility for its after-sales, quality assurance or any other services.
